Tips for good gear functioning

When one thinks about the maintaining their beloved metal machine or any two-wheeler vehicle, the first thing that crosses one's mind is a nice soapy wash to keep the vehicle sparkling. Good that you are keeping it clean and sparkling great.

But how many of us actually think about servicing or overhauling each and every part of the bike? Probably very few of us have a sound knowledge of not only adding sheen to our vehicles but also are well informed to ride the bike smoothly for a long period of time. And there is a certain section of masses that have ample knowledge about lubricating the chain, overhauling the brakes etc.

Basically, the two-wheeler gear system consists of gearbox, gear levers, gear rods and gear oil. Every bike rider should be aware of gear maintenance because it helps a long way in giving life to the bike. Shall we know a few of them here?

- The gears are inter-linked and constantly spinning, so it important for you to service them frequently to maintain an optimum condition.

- Lubrication: Yes, this is the foremost important step that loosens up all the hardened parts of your vehicle. Using a branded and quality lubricant helps you to have smoother ride and increases the longevity of your vehicle.

- Oiling the gears form time to time protects them from getting worn out and your vehicle will run smoothly. The usage of good synthetic gear oil prevents corrosion and also cools the engine parts.

- The gear levers need to be adjusted and lubricated periodically and take time to check for any wear and tear in the levers.

- When changing gears, apply full clutch. Do not shift gears without applying clutch.

Overhauling of your two-wheeler does not mean just the physical looks of your bike; it involves the servicing and lubrication of each and every part to gain better performance and smooth riding experience.

Written by .
Last updated on 09-09-2009. Published on 09-09-2009.
Published by Bikes4Sale in category Tips
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please send me valuable tips for bike maintaining
By Venugopal on 06-08-2012
Ho does a gear box work?
By Tauseef on 28-11-2011
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