Are you being victimized by your automobile dealers?

Purchasing your dream vehicle may at times end up in a nightmare if you are not cautious enough.

Getting yourself a car or a two-wheeler is certainly a task. Almost half of us spend months of researching on the vehicles available in the market and also those which are about to be launched. We scrutinize the specifications bit by bit and then finally zero in on to the one which suits our preferences the most. The agony is more if we haven't set any preferences, in that case finding the right car or bike may seem to be so frustrating. That makes us rely completely on an automobile dealer. Interestingly the odds are high that we may finally end up with a buy which wouldn't have been completely our choice and also being burdened with several unknown additional charges.

It is an absolute joy and excitement to own a new vehicle so much so that people tend to forget the hidden costs that are being bundled up with the net price of the vehicle. The last thing you want to do is getting all the emotional drama conveyed to the dealers. The automobile dealers are ill-famed for exploiting this and will lead us to make hasty decisions without allowing us to give it a proper thought. Hidden costs can be several during the whole transaction. Some may be inevitable, some questionable and a few just an illusion.

When it comes to comparing the model specifications, looking for discounts, knowing fuel economy quotes, and looking at resale value (matching pre-owned versus new models), there is little to love about the car buying process. It only gets worse when an auto dealer is trying to put one over on you.

Handing Over Vehicle Key

Here's a look at all what you need to be cautious about when it comes to a vehicle purchase.

Researching : If you ever see a vehicle that piques your interest do check for price, reviews and detailed specs online before stepping your foot at a dealers office.

Test-Drive : Make sure you test-drive the vehicle by yourself to check whether the vehicle really suits you rather than ending up with a vehicle with all fake assurances by your dealer.

Make several visits to your dealer : Do not jump into the conclusion of buying the car with your very first visit to the dealer. A second and third visit will be great. This will communicate a very strong picture of you to the dealer and as a matter of fact you wouldn't be bullied much by the time you make the purchase. Visiting other dealers will also be an added advantage if they are offering different price quotes.

Do all the related paperwork with undivided attention : Cross check all the charges that are being laid on you. Raise questions if any of the mentioned charges seem to be out of the way. Ask for refunds if the amount charged has nothing to do with the direct purchase of the vehicle. For instance we have come across several customers complaining that they have been charged a high amount on documentation fees, advertising fees and delivery charges. For your information dear customers these are all inclusive of the actual selling price. Next time stop being a prey to such scams and raise your finger against it.

Capture the moments : Make sure that you click a picture of the vehicle when it gets delivered to you. It will help you to maintain a record of the condition that you got it. Also do not forget to inspect the car under direct sunlight for any scratches and damages.

Inspect the vehicle thoroughly : Pay attention and make sure that you get delivered a fresh vehicle and not the one that has been used for scores of test drives and those manhandled by the salesmen. There has been several instances reported where the customers are getting damaged vehicles home-delivered. Be alert and don't end up being enticed into one.

Documents : Do not forget to collect your insurance certificate, user manual, original warranty cards for battery, stereo, tires etc.

Add-on : A lot of accessories come along with the new car including the parking lights, rear sensor camera and central lock. Check the working condition of all these and please do not take them for granted.

Getting yourself a ride is something that will be cherished for your entire life. So please pay heed to the above tips and make those memories a beautiful one.

Apparently in regard to the pseudo authenticity and credibility in a buyer-seller relationship, automobile dealers have a long way to go. Buying a vehicle sometimes turns out to be a confrontation rather than just a transaction. Most of them lure you into buying with several hidden motives. Important thing to be kept in mind is do not get caught off your guard. Do your best to prepare beforehand, stay cool, sound sensible, the experience then will be better for you.

Happy buying!!
Written by .
Last updated on 03-08-2015. Published on 03-08-2015.
Published by Bikes4Sale in category Tips

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