Yamaha to launch its range of scooters in Auto Expo 2012

Yamaha has always been in front in the Indian two wheeler market with its range of stunning bikes. The bikes with its high performance and superb power has been impressive in Indian market and are always a real pet for all those bike crazy people in India.

Yamaha is now all set to rock the Indian market with the launch of its new range of gearless scooters in 2012. Auto Expo will witness the launch of these scooters and through this expo Yamaha will introduce the Indians their high performing, fuel efficient, affordable scooters.

Yamaha with their high standards and International quality is expected to rule the Indian two wheeler market with the addition of this new range of scooters. Yamaha has invested Rs.10 crore in Surajpur, Uttar Pradesh, India to assemble the scooters that are to be here in 2012.

Scooters which are going to reach India by 2012 are Yamaha Fino, Yamaha Nouvo, Yamaha Jupiter, Yamaha Neo, Yamaha Spark. Yamaha is quite confident that these power scooters will attract the Indian middle class as well as the youth as these scooters are stylish, powerful, high performing and affordable.
Written by .
Last updated on 14-12-2011. Published on 14-12-2011.
Published by Bikes4Sale in category News

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yamaha scooter range will be started of price & cc can you comitted
By Deepak Choudhary on 23-12-2011

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