Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M), according to the latest reports, is planning to sell their share in the motor cycle designing company in Europe, named Engines Engineering. This company has got a wide variety of two wheeler companies as their clients.
M&M is selling its entire stake at good amount of premium which it bought in the year 2008 with the aim to strengthening its R&D capabilities for Mahindra Two Wheelers. Engines Engineering is the same company which has done work of fixing Sattlio's gear box.
This company works in a large varieties of fields such as conception, design, styling, online assembly, industrialization and marketing and they are very famous in producing variety of products right from the paper to practically on road.
Engines Engineering will now act as independent advisor and consultant to M&M. The selling of the stakes tookplace due to the large client base of Engines engineering which hindered Mahindra from keeping close contacts with them.