India's first hybrid scooter was unveiled by the biggest two wheeler manufacturers of India, Hero MotoCorp. This scooter will prove to be the best mix, as it will run on both battery as well as petrol. Through this launch, Hero showcased its intent and vision for the future.
In the future, the price of the fuels used will surely be looking upwards and the company might have smelt the space for a good efficient hybrid two wheeler, which will be giving the user great fuel efficiency.
According to reports, Munjals headed Hero has been looking up for new partners to provide them technical assistance in manufacturing their new vehicles and unveiling of Hero Leap is an illustration of one such upcoming alliance.
Hero is looking to launch this product across the globe after perfectly designing both technical and physical aspects of the product as they know the fact that technical features have been key feature for sustaining strong position in every market specially in Indian two wheeler market.