The Chennai based TVS company who have already announced their plans for 2012, added one more variant to their range of two wheelers. This bike is an off roader, might be inspired by the success of Hero MotoCorp's Impulse.
This bike has got the basic design of the usual mud racing bikes or dirt bikes with big projecting mud guards and good power. RTR 250 is another variant from TVS other than TVS Qube electric scooter which has been displayed at Auto Expo.
Designed according to street riding bike it is expected that new TVS RTR 250-FX will be a tough contender for Hero MotoCorp Impulse which has been recently launched by Hero MotoCorp in Indian bike market during festive of Diwali 2011. With upper mud guard support the new RTR 250 bike looks much like a bike used in motocross.
This bike has not yet given the price tag and the launching date. Anyone who loves the look and power of off road bikes like Impulse will surely love to own this. It may also gain from the trend set by Hero Impulse.