TVS motors plans to increase productions from W.Bengal plant

TVS motors who are looking forward for a stunning 2012, have already declared a number of strategic operations including a number of launches and big amount of investments. TVS is trying to get back to its third position which it lost to Honda.

The Chennai based two-wheeler major TVS Motors would reportedly ramp up its existing operations of manufacturing two-wheelers at Uluberia in Howrah over the next three years, according to reports.

"We are going to increase production of motorcycles at the Uluberia plant from 1600 units per year to 2.4 lakh units per year over a period of three years." said Mr.Venu Srinivasan, TVS chairman.

He also added that an investment of Rs. 400 crore would be made there over the next three years. TVS has entered into a JV with Mahabharat Motors of Universal Success to manufacture two-wheelers on 44 acres of land. Srinivasan said that on the remaining 56 acres, the JV would set up an auto ancillary unit.
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Last updated on 16-01-2012. Published on 16-01-2012.
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