It is certainly hard to own a Harley Davidson motorcycle as it is hardly affordable for a common man and the HD machine are tuned to be the dream bike of every bi-wheeling maniacs. But here comes an interesting rumour that the American motorcycle giant is planning to open up a café in the second most expensive city of India, Pune. However, the officials of HD in India haven't remarked any positive replies regarding the upcoming and rumoured Cafe in India.
"Sorry, we will not comment on rumours and speculation. Let the time decide the stuffs," replied Anoop Prakash, Managing Director of Harley-Davidson India, to an e-mail query.
It is also rumoured that Harley Davidson is in talks with a local management team in order to license them the dealership of the cafe. Being one of the top rated metropolitan cities in the world, Pune's new cafe would be much more than business for HD. Pune is known for IT and film industries.
Along with food and beverages, the coffee bar is is expected to retail HD branded gears, accessories and memorabilla. It is calculated to be one of the major income sources of the company and the growth in this sector is expected to be by 25% in the next 5 years.
At present Harley has only a single cafe to treat the whole HD world and that is at Las Vegas, USA. The Cafe was opened in 1997. Spread over a good space, the house can afford 1400 guests at a time. The whole cafe is tracked with Harley Davidson memorabilla. A 15,000 pound and 28 feet high Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail, that costs $500,000 is the major highlight of the party hall. Including the bikes from Billy Joel, Elvis and Ann-Margaret, over 15 custom motorcycles are displayed.
An impressive American Flag listed as "The World,s Heaviest Flag" in the Guinness Book of World Records made from 44,000 chain links, and weighing nearly 10 tons, hangs 40 feet from the ceiling is the other major attraction. The HDC not only provides food stuffs and beverages, but it has an array of holding T-Shirts to hats, glassware and jackets, and bandanas to do-rags. Moreover, to impress movie buffs, a replica of the "Captain America" bike, seen in the movie, Easy Rider, is available for souvenir pictures. The HD cafe also entertains private events such as parties and marriage receptions. Likewise, it is also expected to follow in India, while HD opens its second cafe for the hardcores.