Hi, I'm not sure how this all works but I was hoping to ask a mechan

I'm not sure how this all works but I was hoping to ask a mechanic for some help with my motorcycle.
I have a 94 Virago 750 I bought it back in April it was kept in a barn for 2 years and it's run really rough ever since I got it it did alot of backfiring but seemed to be getting better the more I ran some good gas and seafoam through it.
then two days ago all the sudden you when start it up the run for a few minutes it starts popping and backfiring and it shuts down and won't run at all.
You let it set for 10 minutes it'll run again for about 5 minutes and so on and so on I was hoping to get some help advice

Asked by Carl Hankins on 19-06-2020

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