RTO Hypothecation Removal Made Simpler in Kerala

Now one can easily remove the hypothecation of finance provider from RC book at their respective MVD office

The latest rule from the Regional Transport Office of Kerala has made the hypothecation removal from the vehicle RC book easier. Earlier, it was a tedious task for the owners to remove the hypothecation name of the respective financial organization from the RC book as it requires prior confirmation statement from the fund provider. Once the EMIs are finished, RTO will issue Form No.35 which has to be filled and submitted at the respective Motor Vehicle Office along with the original registration certificate. Once the applications are registered, RTO will contact the Financial Service provider for verification.

Kerala MVD Website

Usually, RTO cannot process these files as the financial institution fails to respond to their verification mail. Moreover, this has resulted in the accumulation of files in the RTO offices across the country. The new system works much efficiently and all the pending cases will be sorted out in no time, says the Transportation Secretary. The Hypothecation removal can be done within the respective Motor Vehicle offices with the payment of small fees along with the all valid information. Once, it is cleared a copy will be forwarded to the financial service provider for validation. However, if the customer attempts to cheat or forge by any means, he or she will be presented in front of the law and charged with criminal offense.
Written by .
Last updated on 21-02-2018. Published on 21-02-2018.
Published by Bikes4Sale in category Tips

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