Carburetor or fuel injection

The fuel injection system during the good old days was by mechanical means; implying the timing, pressure and distribution were all mechanically handled. However with time fuel injection system replaced the carburetor. In this context we shall learn about the pros and cons of each of these systems.

The mechanical fuel injection was via carburetors. The carburetors operated on vacuum. However the mechanical fuel injection system can be tweaked by springs, valves and by altering size of the injector/s.

However with the advanced fuel injection systems that have overrun the mechanical carburetor you can tune the system using a computer, by changing fuel pump volume, and by changing size of the injector. That said there are pros and cons with each of these fuel systems:


They are pretty much easy to rebuild
Very easy to make needed changes
You can get as much close to the fuel curve as the engine desires

Needs a choke
If fuel has to be changed it calls for retuning
Carburetors get dirty and calls for cleaning/rebuilding once every 10000 kilometers or thereof.
Whenever changes are made the fuel curve needs a retuning
Long process to arrive at fuel curve close
Not easily adaptable to the changing conditions - it ices up during cold weathers

FI system:

Doesn't need choke
Comes with inbuilt sensor so fuel flow through is automatically adjusted when fuel is changed
Easy to tune and is self adjusting
The system has tighter control over timing curve for fuel and ignition
Gives fatter (better) torque curve due to control on fuel
Good fuel efficiency (because always the air-fuel ratio is right on and so no wastage of fuel)

The installation itself is expensive
Controlled by a computer program
Except for size injector and pressure you can't do much tweaking
Calls for huge effort to troubleshooting

The fuel injection system will also make it easier to start the bikes and make them more fuel efficient. You can start the engine and ride off during cold mornings too unlike a carburetor engine. The throttle response too will be crispier due to efficient fuel combustion.

That said there are many parts that get wet and make you stranded middle of the road should the bike get caught in the rain. The engines are far more complex than the carburetors. When they work, they work like a treat. But when they don't, they become nightmarish even for a professional mechanic.

In general, carburetors are simpler, inexpensive, reliable and easy to work/rework. The fuel injection system is fuel efficient, belts out more power from similar HP engine, has very tight control of air-fuel mixture and the engines run smoother.

The fuel injection systems are way of today's biking and they are less of hassles and makes biking easy in any condition. You will ONLY be ridiculed if you still hang on to the carburetor. To give an analogy the carburetor is like old Remmington typewriter and fuel injection is like a computer keyboard......suits you whichever.

Written by .
Last updated on 27-04-2011. Published on 27-04-2011.
Published by Bikes4Sale in category Tips
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I purchase a bike pulsar 220 (seconds) just changed the engine. then I got to know its FI model but it has been made into carburetor. please help me if there is any problem in this conversion. now my bike doesnt start. the owner has just replaced the fi with carburetor. let me know what can I do. and my silencer makes bad sound after riding 1 km. please help I m in need of an expert advise because I have paid 40k totally and don't want it to go for a waste.
By Kishan on 29-05-2014
By Hamza Shamsi on 22-04-2012
thankx for such aan usefull article, its really helpfull.
By Dheeraj Rinwa on 11-03-2012
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