If a mumbai Bike is to transfer ownership to Pune

What is the paperwork required?
Do you still need and NOC?
How long does the transfer take?

Asked by Pk on 10-03-2012

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The first thing you need is to have authentic documents of the vehicle to avoid any kind of legal hassles in that particular state such as, license, road tax, insurance documents, photo ID, address proof.

You need to have an NOC (no objection certificate), RC book, copy of vehicle insurance, form 20 and 22, address and ID proof and also a copy of the vehicle’s pollution test, bill of the Vehicle (should show cost and VAT paid), fill up the transfer and re-registration forms.

Form 20, Form 26, Form 27, Form 28, Form 29, Form 30, Form 33, Form FT

In case you want to pay road tax you can either do it yourself or approach a broker and also take the help of friend who knows the local language, as the RTO documents will be printed in local language.

you have to be physically present at RTO to do the registrations, but the agent helps you by running around and giving you the right information about what papers to bring, including putting the right papers.

A road tax of 7.5% tax is to be paid irrespective of whether the vehicle is new or old (however, based on the vehicle's age the owner gets a discount)

As per rules you can drive a vehicle in another state for a period of 6 months without paying a road tax.

If you are going to live for more than 6 months but less than a year then you need to pay the road tax, but you do not need to register.

However, if you intend to stay in the new state for more than a year, then payment of tax and registration in the new state is indispensable.

As far as possible avoid transferring your vehicle from one state to another. If you can sell off in the home state – great, otherwise it is a real pain running behind people to get things done.

So its better to contact a local RTO agent, so that you don’t need to go running all these places on your own.
Answered by Hari on 11-03-2012

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