Can i get a bike in the range of rupees 10000 to 15000

It can be of hero honda or bajaj

Asked by Deepanshu on 04-02-2012

Latest Answers

You can definitely get a bike in the above range, depending on the year of manufacture and condition of the vehicle - but it's difficult to get a dependable bike in the price range.
Answered by Raju Ps on 04-02-2012
Hi, its very difficult to get a good reliable bike with in your price range. So please visit Buy Bike and select your bike by brand, model, state and city. You can see many contact details and choose your bike according to your price range. Always go for Hero Honda bikes because Bajaj bikes lacks engine reliability and has shorter life span and is not a consistent performance bike.
Answered by Rj on 05-02-2012
i can get hero honda at 10000
Answered by Ankarao on 05-02-2012
AT that price you will get a second hand bike. Ho for a Hero Honda only (any 100cc model - they are all the same).
Answered by Sam Dinkar on 06-02-2012

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